Page 105 Homework Answers

Find all points where the slope of the tangent is as given on the handout.

  1. (-5, -21)

  2. (6, 26)

  3. (16, 8)

  4. (3, 1/9)

  5. (1, 1), (-1, -1)

  6. (1, 1), (-1, -1)

  7. (2, 5)

  8. (-1/2, -1)

  9. (3.414, 2.414), (0.586, -0.414)

  10. (2, 2)

  11. (1/2, 1/8), (-1/2, -1/8)

  12. (2, 14), (-2, -14)

  13. (25, 5)

  14. (24, 5)

  15. (.1, .47)

  16. (5, 122), (-5, -108)

  17. (4, 1/3), (-2, -1/3)

  18. (0, -1)