#Program 1 (75 points): Write a function count that has one parameter size #- number of integers to generate, the function randomly generates size #integers in range -10 to 10. The function counts and returns the number of #positives, negatives and zeros among generated integers. Write main that #randomly generates size, an integer between 5 and 15, and uses function #count to find the number of positives, negatievs and zeros. PRINT RANDOM #GENERATED DATA TO TEST YOUR PROGRAM import random def count(size, min_range, max_range): pos=0 neg=0 zero=0 for i in range(size): num=random.randint(min_range, max_range) print(num) if(num>0): pos+=1 elif(num<0): neg+=1 else: zero+=1 return pos, neg, zero def main(): size=random.randint(5,15) print("size", size) pos, neg, zero=count(size, -10, 10) print(pos, neg, zero) main()