#write a program that reads numeric grade for the course and outputs #letter grade using the following table: #A grade>=90 #B grade>=80 and grade <=89 #C grade>=70 and grade <=79 #D grade>=60 and grade <=69 #F grade <60 #Discussion #Input: one integer, between 0 and 100, stored in variable grade #Output: corresponding letter grade #Calculations: if-elif-else statement #Input limitations: grade must be between 0 and 100 inclusive. #First version of solution will NOT include validity check #Input grade=int(input("enter grade ")) #Calculations and Output if(grade>=90): print("grade is A") elif(grade>=80): print("grade is B") elif(grade>=70): print("grade is C") elif(grade>=60): print("grade is D") else: print("grade is F")