#Discussion #input: #price, float #tax, int #shipping, float #ship_limit, float #if-else to check if the price>=ship_limit #and qualifies for free shipping or not #input price=float(input("enter purchase price ")) tax=int(input("enter tax ")) shipping=float(input("shipping charges ")) ship_limit=float(input("ship limit ")) #calculations and output if(price>=ship_limit): final_price=price+price*tax/100 print("Qualified for free shipping") else: pre_tax=price+shipping final_price=pre_tax+pre_tax*tax/100 print("must pay shipping of", shipping, "dollars") print("final price is", format(final_price,'.2f'), "dollars") #test1: price=49.99 shipping=2.99 ship_limit=29.99 tax=7 #test2: price=49.99 shipping=2.99 ship_limit=50 tax=9