#Mini Quiz 3 Preparation #All saving accounts have different interest rates based #on the deposit amount. #In one bank for example, if the deposit is 1000 dollars #or less, the interest rate is 1% per year, otherwise, #the interest rate is 2% per year. #Write a program that inputs deposit amount. Program #calculates and prints the amount of money that will be #in your saving account after one year. Apply the #interest rate rule which is described above. #Program checks first, that the input is valid #(deposit amount is positive) For invalid input, program #prints error message. #discussion: input deposit, float #output: amount after one year #calculations: if-else, to check interest rate #total=deposit+deposit*rate/100 #input limitations: deposit > 0 #input deposit=float(input("enter deposit ")) #output and calculations if(deposit>0): if(deposit>=1000): rate=2 else: rate=1 total=deposit+deposit*rate/100 print("interest rate is", rate) print("total is", format(total, '.2f'), "dollars") else: print("invalid points")