#In most cases, buy in bulk option is cheaper than buying packaged food, but not #always. Write a program that reads price of the item per pound in the bulk #session, size of the package (float, could be half pound package, for #example), #and the price of the package. The program finds and prints which option is #cheaper, or notify user that both options offer the same price per pound. #For example, organic quinoa in bulk sesion cost 5.99 per pound, and the package #of 2.5 pounds cost $12.9. In this case, it is cheaper to buy the package, since #the price per pound in packaged version will be $5.2 which is less than $5.99 #in bulk session. #For example: almonds in bulk session cost 7.99 per pound, and the package of #3/4 #of the pound cost 6.99. In this case it is cheaper to buy in bulk, since the #pound of packaged almonds will cost $9.32 #For example: the pound of ham cost 10 dollars, and the 2 pound package cost 20 #dollars, in this case both options have equal value. #Pay attention, when you test your program, to test the third option, input #whole numbers to avoid issues with floating point numbers rounding. #Discussion #Input: bulk_price, size_pack, pack_price, all floats #calculations, if-elif-else there are 3 OPTIONS #Pound price in packaged food: pack_price/size_pack #Price in bulk session for size_pack pounds: bulk_price*size_pack bulk_price=float(input("enter pound price in bulk session ")) size_pack=float(input("enter size of the package ")) pack_price=float(input("enter package price ")) pound_pack=pack_price/size_pack if(bulk_price pound_pack): print("better package") else: print("same prices") #Test 1: bulk_price=1.99, size_pack=3.5, pack_price=7.99 #price per pound in package form 7.99/3.5=2.28 #1.99 < 2.28 bulk is better #Test 2: bulk_price=2.99 size_pack=3.5, pack_price=7.99 #price per pound in package form 7.99/3.5=2.28 #2.99>2.28 so package is better #Test 3: bulk_price=2 size_pack=5 pack_price=10 #price per pound in package form 10/5=2 #same price