#lab assignment program with if-else option #the user will enter 1 for option 1 and 2 for option 2 #and program outputs the monthly payment and downpayment for option 1 #and monthly payment and Balloon payment for option 2 #in addition, loan term will be a variable #Input option=int(input("enter your option ")) price=float(input("enter car price ")) term=int(input("enter number of years ")) #Calculation and Output with partial Input if(option==1): downpayment=float(input("enter downpayment percent ")) dpmoney=price*downpayment/100 monthly=(price-dpmoney)/(term*12) print("You choose option 1 here is your data") print("downpayment is ", format(dpmoney, '.2f'), "dollars") print("monthly payment is", format(monthly, '.2f'), "dollars") else: bulk=float(input("enter bulk percent for option 2 ")) bulkmoney=price*bulk/100 monthly=bulkmoney/(term*12-1) balloon=price-bulkmoney print("you choose option 2 here is your data") print("monthly payment is", format(monthly, '.2f'), "dollars") print("balloon payment is", format(balloon, '.2f'), "dollars")