Practical Cryptology

Quiz 3 Sample Questions, Sructure and Reading Material
  • Quiz 3 consists of 4 questions. Each Question 25 points
  • Material: Vigenere and Hill Cipher encryption and decryption ONLY

    In the Quiz you have to EXPLAIN your answer in detail.

    Sample Questions

    1. Using the KEY MATRIX A
      22 13

      Encrypt: yana

    2. Decrypt the message: THVE, which was encrypted using the key matrix A
      3 7

    3. Using the KEY MATRIX A
      2 3

      Encrypt: code

    4. Decrypt the message: WEZAHO, which was encrypted using the key matrix A
      2 3

    5. Find an inverse of matrix A
      1 4

    6. Encrypt: CODE using first Vigenere Cipher with key CAT and then apply Hill cipher with the key from problem 1
    7. Decrypt the message GQRD that was first encrypted by Hill cipher using matrix key from problem 2 and then encrypted using Vigenere Cipher with key GO

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