Module: bubble_sort.c
Sorts a list of given integers suing bubble sort algorihm.
Input: N integers separated by spaces.
Output: Sorted list of integers.
Assumption on input: valid.

Algorithm: Bubble Sort
Data Structures: None.

#include < stdio.h >

/* constants */
#define N 10 /* size of array to sort */
#define FALSE 0
#define TRUE 1

/* function prototypes */
void bubble_sort (int A [ ], int n);
void read_array (int A [ ], int n);
void write_array (int A [ ], int n);
void efficient_bubble_sort(int A [ ], int n);

int main ( ){


/* read_array: reads input integers into a given array
Parameters: A - the array (output).
n - number of numbers to read (input).
Returns: no return value
Algorithm: Trivial.

void read_array (int A [ ], int n){


/* write_array: writes the contents of an array of integers
Parameters: A - the array (input).
n - number of integers to write (input).
Returns: no return value
Algorithm: Trivial.

void write_array (int A [ ], int n){


/* Bubble sort: Sorts a given array of numbers in an increasing order.
Parameters: A - array to sort (input + output parameter)
n - size of the array (input parameter)
Returns: no return value.
Algorithm: Bubble Sort.

void bubble_sort(int A[ ], int n){


/* Bubble sort: Sorts a given array of numbers in an increasing order.
Pameters: A - array to sort (input + output parameter)
n - size of the array (input parameter)
Returns: no return value.
Algorithm: Bubble Sort - stop when there was no change
in the previous iteration.

void efficient_bubble_sort(int A[], int n){
