Introduction to Computer Science - Fall 2004
Source: fib.c
Author: Yana

This program computes the n'th Fibonacci number.
Input: A non-negative valid integer n.
Output: The n'th Fibonacci number.

Algorithm: Uses iterative fibonacci(int n) function.

#include<stdio.h >

/* Function protoype. */
int fibonacci(int n);

int main(){

    int num; /* Input number. */

    printf("Please Enter an integer: ");
    scanf("%d", &num);
    printf("The %d Fibonacci number is: %d\n ", num, fibonacci(num));

    return 0;

/* fibonacci: Finds n'th Fibonacci number.
Parameters: n (input parameter).
Returns: n'th Fibonacci number.
Algorithm: Iterative, using the formula f(n) = f(n - 1) + f(n - 2), n >= 2
f(0) = f(1) = 1 */

int fibonacci(int n){

    int f_prev = 1; /* f( n - 1 ) (initialized to f(1) = 1) */
    int f_prev_prev = 1; /* f( n - 2 ) (initialized to f(0) = 1) */
    int f_current; /* f( n ) */
    int counter; // counts number of iterations.

    if ( n <= 1 ){
      f_current = 1;
      for (counter = 2; counter <= n; counter ++){
        f_current = f_prev + f_prev_prev;
        f_prev_prev = f_prev;
        f_prev = f_current;
    return (f_current);