#in this file we will write 2 functions #1. sumCount thta has one parameter, size - the number of input integers #Function returns the amount and sum of even numbers among inputs #2. average - has two parameteres, size and sum - amount of evens and sum #of evens. Function returns average of evens def sumCount(size): countEven = 0 sumEven = 0 print("enter ", size, "ints ") for i in range(size): n = int(input(" ")) if(n%2 == 0): countEven+=1 sumEven+=n return countEven, sumEven #IPO CHART FOR FUNCTION sumCount #Input | Processing | Output | #--------------------------------------------------------------- #size - the |The function reads |Function returns 2 | #number of |size inputs and counts|values: number of evens | #of inputs |the number of evens |and the sum of evens | # |and their sum | | def average(size, sum): #this function will be called ONLY if size (number of evens) is positive! return (float)(sum)/size #IPO CHART FOR FUNCTION average #Input | Processing | Output | #size - number |finds average: |functios has one return | #of evens |dividing sum by |value - average | #sum - sum of |size | | #evens | | |