#write a function sumNeigh, that has 5 parameters, #1. two-dimensional list of integers #2. sizeRow - number of Rows #3. ciseCol - number of Columns #4. i - the specific row location #5. j - the specific column location #this function finds the sum #of neighbours of the element #in the position i, j #assume, that i, j is INSIDE the matrix #i, j is NOT!!!! CORNER and NOT!!!! BORDER import random def sumNeigh(scores, sizeRow, sizeCol, i, j): #this function finds the sum #of neighbours of the element #in the position i, j #assume, that i, j is INSIDE the matrix #i, j is not CORNER and not BORDER #COMPLETE THE CODE def make_list(scores, sizeRow, sizeCol, num): for i in range(sizeRow): for j in range(sizeCol): scores[i][j]=random.randint(0,num) return scores def printMatrix(scores, sizeRow, sizeCol): for i in range(sizeRow): print(scores[i]) def main(): sizeR=int(input("enter row size ")) sizeC=int(input("enter column size ")) my_list =[[0 for i in range(sizeC)]for j in range(sizeR)] num=int(input("enter the range of random numbers ")) my_list=make_list(my_list, sizeR, sizeC, num) print("the original list is") printMatrix(my_list, sizeR, sizeC) i=int(input("enter i location ")) j=int(input("enter j location ")) #COMPLETE THE CODE main()