#Activity 2 SOLUTION: Write a function removeOdd #that has one parameter - list of integers #function removes the first odd element from the list #function returns the index of the first odd element in the original list #if there are NO odd elements in the list, function returns the length of the list which is NOT VALID INDEX #The program is partially written for you: #Program randomly generates the list #of ints between 1 and 100 of size 10 #complete the program to print the original list BEFORE function removeOdd was called #call the function removeOdd and print the updated list and the index of the first odd #element in the original list import random def randomint_list(size, min_limit, max_limit): my_list=[] for i in range(size): n=random.randint(min_limit, max_limit) my_list.append(n) return my_list def removeOdd(my_list): index = len(my_list) found=0 i=0 while(i