#write a function letter_found #that has two parameters - list of characters and additional character #the function counts the number of times additional character appears in the list #and creates a new list of all indexes character appear in the list #function returns the list of indexes and the number of appearances #assume that all letters are upper case letters #complete the main program SIZE = 30 import random def random_letter_list(size): my_list=[] for i in range(size): n = random.randint(65,90) my_list.append(chr(n)) return my_list def letter_found(my_list, letter): count = 0 new = [] for i in range(len(my_list)): if(my_list[i]==letter): count+=1 new.append(i) return new, count def main(): my_list=random_letter_list(SIZE) print(my_list) letter = input("enter letter to search ") new , count = letter_found(my_list, letter) print(count) print(new) main()