#write a program that randomly generates characters and finds #how many characters of some kind do you have and its percentage #example: #we generated 10 characters #a * 9 ) 0 P U j % ^ #and say we would like to count how many capital letters #and percentage: #2 capital letters #percentage: (2/10)*100 import process import random def main(): choice=int(input("enter your choice ")) menu(choice) def menu(choice): if (choice==1): size = random.randint(5, 15) print("size is ", size) cP = process.countCapital(size) if(cP==0): print("no capitals in your pool") else: capitalPercent = process.percent(cP, size) print("there are ", cP, "capitals") print("their percent is ", capitalPercent) #you need to finish choice = 2 and 3 for lowercase and digits else: size = random.randint(5, 15) print("size is ", size) cRest = process.countRest(size) if(cRest==0): print("we don't have anything else") else: restPercent=process.percent(cRest,size) print("there are ", cRest, "other chars") print("their percent is ", restPercent) main()