Mini Quiz 3 CSCI 152 Friday Feb 7

In this program you will process inventory of some store. In that store, there is a DOLLAR value section which has items that cost LESS than 1 dollar, FIVE_BELOW section which has items that cost between 1 and 5 dollars (inluding 1 and 5), and the GENERAL_AREA section which has the rest of the items. The largest price in the store is 500 dollars.

Write a function

def separate(price_list)

that has one parameter - list of prices, the function creates and RETURNS 3 new lists - list of prices in DOLLAR secion, list of prices in FIVE_BELOW secion, and list of prices in GENERAL_AREA section.

Write a program that randomly generates the list of prices of size 20, call function separate to get list of prices for each section, and then find the section with the LARGEST number of items.

Pay attention: you have to use random.uniform(0, 500) to generate FLOATING POINT number in required range.