Mini Quiz Friday May 1

In this program you will process grades for the group of students assuming that each student in the group takes the same amount of courses per semester. All grades will be stored in 2D array of integers. Number of rows = number of students in the group. Number of columns = number of courses each students takes. You can generate all grades randomly or have it as user input.

Write a function void process(int grades[][COL], int row, int col, int counterGrades[]) that finds the number of A's (grade 90-100), B's (89-80), C's (79-70), D's(69-60), F's(59-0). The counters are stored in the one dimensional array counterGrades. Assume that counter for A's stored at index 0, for B's - index 1, for C's - index 2, for D's - index 3, for F's - index 4

Write a function int maxPosition(int A[], int row) that finds and returns the position of the maximal element in the array A.

Use functions above to find the most frequent grade.

For example for the following input:
100 90 30
90 89 70
100 100 90

The most frequent grade is A, since there are 6 A's, 1 F, 1 B and 1 C