Lab 1 Programming with C

Skill set for this LAB:

Problem 1
Write a C program that prints 3 lines of text: Your name, Your address, Your major, using THREE print statements

Problem 2 :
Write a C program that prints the following text: I use Social Media: "Facebook" and "Twitter"

Problem 3: :
Write a C program that prints the following text: I don't know "Python"

Problem 4
Write a C program that calculates the perimeter and area of the rectangle, and the area of the circle. Ask user to enter length and width of rectangle, and ask user to enter radius of the circle.
Use the following formulas:

area = width * length
perimeter= 2*length + 2*width
areaCircle = 3.14 * radius * radius

Problem 5 :
Write a C program that converts Celsius temperature to the correspondent Fahrenheit temperature. The equation for converting a Celsius temperature to Fahrenheit is

Problem 6 :
Write a C program that converts Fahrenheit temperature to Celsius temperature according to the following formula:

Celsius= (5/9)*(Fahrenheit - 32)

Problem 7:
Write a C program that reads three-digit positive integer number. The program separates the input number into it's individual digits and prints the digits on separate lines. For example if the input number was 236 the program will print