Practical Cryptology Spring 2006
Quiz 1 Sructure and Reading Material
- Quiz 1 consists of two parts
- Part I (60 points) - 6 short questions - only the final answer is
- Part II (40 points) - 2 open questions
- Reading Material: Chapter 1, Chapter 2: 2.1 - 2.4, and Chapter 2:
2.5 only pp. 107 - 109 (
including The Vigenere Cipher - encryption and decryption only).
Sample Questions
- Encrypt the text "today is Friday" with shift cipher with key = 13
- Decrypt the message "WDNH PH RXW WR WKH EDOO JDPH" that
was encrypted with Caesar Cipher.
- Decrypt the message "JYRIB YRJ GIVKKP KVVKY" that was encrypted
with shift cipher. What is the key that was
used in the shift encryption formula?
- Decrypt the message "KTBG BG LITBG YTEEL BG MAX" that was encrypted
with shift cipher. What is the key that was
used in the shift encryption formula?
- Encrypt the message "good evening" with Affine Cipher C = P*3 + 7 (mod 26).
What is the decryption formula
in this case?
- Encrypt the message "good evening" with Apphine Cipher C = 17*P + 8
(mod 26). What is the decryption formula
in this case?
- Suppose that some text was encrypted by Affine Cipher C = a*P + b (mod 26).
You also know that the letter
F was encrypted by the letter D and the letter H was encrypted by the letter E.
Find the parameters a and b in the Affine Cipher formula.
- Suppose that some text was encrypted by Affine Cipher C = a*P + b (mod 26).
You also know that the letter
T was encrypted by the letter D and the letter C was encrypted by the letter E.
Find the parameters a and b in the Affine Cipher formula.
- Suppose that some text was encrypted by Affine Cipher C = a*P + b (mod 26).
You also know that the letter
I was encrypted by the letter L and the letter L was encrypted by the letter E.
Find the parameters a and b in the Affine Cipher formula.
- Solve problem 5 from the textbook, p.106
- Encrypt the message "I love Cryptology class" using the substitution
cipher with the keyword
- Encrypt the message "I love Cryptology class" using the columnar
substitution cipher with the keyword
- Solve problem 1 from the textbook p. 105
- Encrypt the message "I love Cryptology class" using
the keyword columnar transposition cipher with the keyword
- Solve problems 1 and 2 from the textbook p. 118