CSCI 151 Practical Cryptology - Spring 2006

Practical Cryptology Spring 2006

Quiz 1 Sructure and Reading Material
  • Quiz 1 consists of two parts
    • Part I (60 points) - 6 short questions - only the final answer is required
    • Part II (40 points) - 2 open questions
  • Reading Material: Chapter 1, Chapter 2: 2.1 - 2.4, and Chapter 2: 2.5 only pp. 107 - 109 ( including The Vigenere Cipher - encryption and decryption only).

Sample Questions

  1. Encrypt the text "today is Friday" with shift cipher with key = 13
  2. Decrypt the message "WDNH PH RXW WR WKH EDOO JDPH" that was encrypted with Caesar Cipher.
  3. Decrypt the message "JYRIB YRJ GIVKKP KVVKY" that was encrypted with shift cipher. What is the key that was used in the shift encryption formula?
  4. Decrypt the message "KTBG BG LITBG YTEEL BG MAX" that was encrypted with shift cipher. What is the key that was used in the shift encryption formula?
  5. Encrypt the message "good evening" with Affine Cipher C = P*3 + 7 (mod 26). What is the decryption formula in this case?
  6. Encrypt the message "good evening" with Apphine Cipher C = 17*P + 8 (mod 26). What is the decryption formula in this case?
  7. Suppose that some text was encrypted by Affine Cipher C = a*P + b (mod 26). You also know that the letter F was encrypted by the letter D and the letter H was encrypted by the letter E. Find the parameters a and b in the Affine Cipher formula.
  8. Suppose that some text was encrypted by Affine Cipher C = a*P + b (mod 26). You also know that the letter T was encrypted by the letter D and the letter C was encrypted by the letter E. Find the parameters a and b in the Affine Cipher formula.
  9. Suppose that some text was encrypted by Affine Cipher C = a*P + b (mod 26). You also know that the letter I was encrypted by the letter L and the letter L was encrypted by the letter E. Find the parameters a and b in the Affine Cipher formula.
  10. Solve problem 5 from the textbook, p.106
  11. Encrypt the message "I love Cryptology class" using the substitution cipher with the keyword MICHAL
  12. Encrypt the message "I love Cryptology class" using the columnar transposition substitution cipher with the keyword MICHAL
  13. Solve problem 1 from the textbook p. 105
  14. Encrypt the message "I love Cryptology class" using the keyword columnar transposition cipher with the keyword PETYA
  15. Solve problems 1 and 2 from the textbook p. 118