Reading and Presenting Paper Assignment

Homework 1: Due Day: 11 AM, Monday, Sept 23. Send your programs by e-mail to

Homework 1

Homework 2: Due Day: 11 AM, Monday, Oct 21. Send your programs by e-mail to

Homework 2

Final Project Description and Information


UPDATED Schedule:

Additional Project Requirements and Tips:

Output Suggestions:

You would need to output a huge amount of information. My suggestion is to split the output into several files and output potential genes in one file, pseudo-genes in the second file, compliment reverese potential genes in the third file and compliment reverse pseudo-genes in the forth file. In addition, it might be helpful to output the list of tuples that only contains start, end and promoter score.

Here is an exampe of the Python File Output
If you will decide to choose this option you don't need to use UNIX redirection anymore. Run your program with python and check the output files.

Project Sequences - will be updated later

Project Presentaion Requirements

Project Presentations Schedule - updated later

Project Submission Requirements

More Help with Python

file input/output and removing some chars

UNIX I/O redirection

How to create list of tuples from list of strings. Each tuple includes string and its length

help with the project

more help with the project

See 4.7.5. Lambda Expressions

How To Sort Lists in Python


Wed Nov 6 in class Testing

Project Sequences

Group 1: Last names starts with A - G

Sequence for Group 1

Group 2: Last names starts with H-Z

Sequence for Group 2